Your weekend training schedule has been posted. Many of you receive the text blasts (if you do not and would like to, please text me to be added 503.473.1971), while others rely on social media notifications (Facebook & Instagram). However you get your intel, do know that the away race season is upon us so the training schedules will look a little different until after the first week in April. Good news is, if any of you are also traveling to these races, Coach Bre will be there to inspect with you, answer any questions, and even offer tuning/waxing advice. For those not traveling, we will be fitting training sessions in on Mt. Hood as often as possible! Attached is this weekend's schedule, as well as the 2022 Summer Clinics & Camps flier for your preparation. Spaces are already filling up! Heads up: next week (March 14-20) we will train Tuesday evening at Skibowl, Friday evening at Skibowl, Saturday day at Timberline. March 22-26 we will be in Sun Valley, ID for the US Alpine Masters Nationals Championships. We will see you there, or enjoy your week off training, but please "free ski with purpose." As always, please do not hesitate to reach out with questions anytime; and, keep in mind the BD Racing app is a wonderful way to stay in touch, book yourself into training sessions, communicate with other racers and coaches, post on the forum, and so much more! Ski y'all Saturday for GS on Joszi's Run! -Coach Bre
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